
Subset SWOT LR L2 Unsmoothed data from AVISO’s THREDDS Data Server

This notebooks explains how to retrieve a geographical subset of unsmoothed (250-m) SWOT LR L2 data on AVISO’s THREDDS Data Server.

L2 Unsmoothed data can be explored at:

You need to have xarray, numpy, pydap, threddsclient and matplotlib+cartopy (for visualisation) packages installed in your Python environment for this notebook to work.


This tutorial shows how to retrieve SWOT LR L2 Unsmoothed datasets via the Opendap protocol of the AVISO’s THREDDS Data Server, that can be time consuming for large datasets. If you need to download large number of L2 LR SSH Unsmoothed half orbits, please use the AVISO’s FTP as in this tutorial.

Tutorial Objectives

  • Request Aviso’s Thredds Data Server catalogue to find unsmoothed products with cycles/passes numbers

  • Subset data intersecting a geographical area

  • Download data locally and visualise it

Import + code

# Install Cartopy with mamba to avoid discrepancies
# ! mamba install -q -c conda-forge cartopy
import os
from getpass import getpass
import threddsclient
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xarray.backends import PydapDataStore
import requests as rq
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def retrieve_matching_datasets(url_catalogue, level, variant, cycle_min, cycle_max, half_orbits):
    """ Returns the list of datasets available in the catalogue, matching required half_orbits and cycles range.
        url_catalogue: the catalogue
        level: swot LR data level ("L2", "L3")
        variant: Swot LR data variant ("Basic", "Expert", "Unsmoothed", "WindWave")
        cycle_min: minimum cycle
        cycle_max: maximum cycle
        half_orbits: list of passes numbers

        The list of matching dataset nodes.
    import re

    def _swot_lr_filename_match(filename, level, variant, cycle_min, cycle_max, half_orbits):
        pattern = f'SWOT_{level}_LR_SSH_{variant}'
        match_object = re.match(pattern+r'_(\d+)_(\d+)_(.*)', filename)

        cycle_number = int(
        pass_number = int(

        return pass_number in half_orbits and cycle_number >= cycle_min and cycle_number <= cycle_max

    return list(filter(
        lambda dataset: (
            _swot_lr_filename_match(, level, variant, cycle_min, cycle_max, half_orbits)),
        threddsclient.crawl(url_catalogue, depth=2)))

def open_dataset(dataset_url):
    """ Open the dataset at dataset_url.

    session = rq.Session()
    session.auth = (username, password)
        store =, session=session, timeout=300, user_charset='UTF-8')
        return xr.open_dataset(store)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Something wrong with opendap url {dataset_url}: {e}")

def _open_dataset_coords(dataset_url):
    positions_url = dataset_url + '?' + ','.join(["/left/latitude", "/left/longitude", "/right/latitude", "/right/longitude"])
    ds_coords = open_dataset(positions_url)
    return ds_coords

def _get_indexes(ds, lon_range, lat_range):
    mask_left = ((ds["/left/longitude"] >= lon_range[0]) & (ds["/left/longitude"] <= lon_range[1]) &
    (ds["/left/latitude"] >= lat_range[0]) & (ds["/left/latitude"] <= lat_range[1]))

    mask_right = ((ds["/right/longitude"] >= lon_range[0]) & (ds["/right/longitude"] <= lon_range[1]) &
    (ds["/right/latitude"] >= lat_range[0]) & (ds["/right/latitude"] <= lat_range[1]))

    mask = (mask_left | mask_right).any('num_pixels')

    return np.where(mask)[0][0], np.where(mask)[0][-1]

def _build_dataset_groups(ds, left_vars, right_vars, attrs):
    # Clean group EXTRA_DIMENSION and variable attributes from global attributes
    attributes = dict(filter(
        lambda item: (
            item[0] not in ["_NCProperties"] and
            f"/left/" not in item[0] and
            f"/right/" not in item[0] and
            "EXTRA_DIMENSION" not in item[0]),

    ds_left = ds[left_vars]
    ds_left.attrs["description"] = attributes.pop("left_description")
    ds_left = ds_left.rename({v: v.removeprefix('/left/') for v in left_vars})

    for var in list(ds_left.keys()):
        ds_left[var].encoding = {'zlib':True, 'complevel':5}

    ds_right = ds[right_vars]
    ds_right.attrs["description"] = attributes.pop("right_description")
    ds_right = ds_right.rename({v: v.removeprefix('/right/') for v in right_vars})

    for var in list(ds_right.keys()):
        ds_right[var].encoding = {'zlib':True, 'complevel':5}

    ds_root = ds[[]]
    ds_root.attrs = attributes

    return ds_root, ds_left, ds_right

def to_netcdf(ds_root, ds_left, ds_right, output_file):
    """ Writes the dataset to a netcdf file """
    ds_right.to_netcdf(output_file, group='right', mode='a')
    ds_left.to_netcdf(output_file, group='left', mode='a')

def _output_dir_prompt():
    answer = input('Do you want to write results to Netcdf files? [y/n]')
    if not answer or answer[0].lower() != 'y':
        return None
    return input('Enter existing directory:')

def load_subsets(matching_datasets, variables, lon_range, lat_range, output_dir=None):
    """ Loads subsets with variables and lon/lat range, and eventually write them to disk.
        matching_datasets : the datasets nodes in the catalogue
        variables : the variables names
        lon_range : the longitude range
        lat_range : the latitude range
        output_dir : the output directory to write the datasets in separated netcdf files

    if not output_dir:
        output_dir = _output_dir_prompt()

    left_vars = [f'/left/{v}' for v in variables]
    right_vars = [f'/right/{v}' for v in variables]

    return [dataset for dataset in [_load_subset(dataset, left_vars, right_vars, lon_range, lat_range, output_dir) for dataset in matching_datasets] if dataset is not None]

def _load_subset(dataset_node, left_vars, right_vars, lon_range, lat_range, output_dir=None):
    if output_dir:
        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, f"subset_{}")
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            print(f"Subset {} already exists. Reading it...")
            return xr.open_dataset(output_file)

    # Open the dataset only with coordinates
    dataset_url = dataset_node.opendap_url()
    ds_positions = _open_dataset_coords(dataset_url)

    # Locate indexes of lines matching with the required geographical area
        idx_first, idx_last = _get_indexes(ds_positions, lon_range, lat_range)
    except IndexError:
        return None

    # Download subset
    dataset = open_dataset(dataset_url)

    ds = xr.merge([dataset[var][idx_first:idx_last] for var in left_vars+right_vars])
    print(f"Load intersection with selected area in dataset {}: indices ({idx_first}, {idx_last})")

    if output_file:
        ds_root, ds_left, ds_right = _build_dataset_groups(ds, left_vars, right_vars, ds_positions.attrs)
        to_netcdf(ds_root, ds_left, ds_right, output_file)
        print(f"File {output_file} created.")

    return ds

def _interpolate_coords(ds):
    lon = ds.longitude
    lat = ds.latitude
    shape = lon.shape
    lon = np.array(lon).ravel()
    lat = np.array(lat).ravel()
    dss = xr.Dataset({
        'longitude': xr.DataArray(
                    data   = lon,
                    dims   = ['time']
        'latitude': xr.DataArray(
                    data   = lat,
                    dims   = ['time'],
    dss_interp = dss.interpolate_na(dim="time", method="linear", fill_value="extrapolate")
    ds['longitude'] = (('num_lines', 'num_pixels'), dss_interp.longitude.values.reshape(shape))
    ds['latitude'] = (('num_lines', 'num_pixels'), dss_interp.latitude.values.reshape(shape))

def normalize_coordinates(ds):
    """ Normalizes the coordinates of the dataset : interpolates Nan values in lon/lat, and assign lon/lat as coordinates.
        ds: the dataset

        xr.Dataset: the normalized dataset
    return ds.assign_coords(
            {"longitude": ds.longitude, "latitude": ds.latitude}


Authentication parameters

Enter your AVISO+ credentials

[ ]:
username = input("Enter username:")
[ ]:
password = getpass(f"Enter password for {username}:")

Data parameters

Variables available in unsmoothed Swot LR data are:

  • time

  • time_tai

  • latitude

  • longitude

  • latitude_uncert

  • longitude_uncert

  • polarization_karin

  • ssh_karin_2

  • ssh_karin_2_qual

  • ssh_karin_uncert

  • sig0_karin_2

  • sig0_karin_2_qual

  • sig0_karin_uncert

  • total_coherence

  • mean_sea_surface_cnescls

  • miti_power_250m

  • miti_power_var_250m

  • ancillary_surface_classification_flag

Define the variables you want:

variables = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'time', 'sig0_karin_2', 'ancillary_surface_classification_flag', 'ssh_karin_2', 'ssh_karin_2_qual']

OPTIONAL Define existing output folder to save results:

output_dir = "downloads"#or None

Define the url of the catalog from which you want to extract data

level = 'L2'
variant = 'Unsmoothed'

Define the parameters needed to retrieve data:

  • geographical area

  • phase: 1day-orbit (Calval) / 21day-orbit (Science)

  • cycle min, max

  • list of half-orbits


Passes matching a geographical area and period can be found using this tutorial

# California
lat_range = 35, 42
lon_range = 233, 239

#phase, cycle_min, cycle_max = "calval", 400, 600
phase, cycle_min, cycle_max = "science", 19, 20

half_orbits = [11, 24, 317]

Area extraction

Gather datasets in the provided catalogue, matching the required cycles and half_orbits

matching_datasets = retrieve_matching_datasets(url_catalogue, level, variant, cycle_min, cycle_max, half_orbits)
'num datasets =', len(matching_datasets)
('num datasets =', 6)
[<Node name:, content type: application/netcdf>,
 <Node name:, content type: application/netcdf>,
 <Node name:, content type: application/netcdf>,
 <Node name:, content type: application/netcdf>,
 <Node name:, content type: application/netcdf>,
 <Node name:, content type: application/netcdf>]

Subset data in the required geographical area


This operation may take some time : for each dataset, it downloads coordinates, calculates indices, loads subset and eventually writes it to netcdf file.

Set output_dir to None if you don’t want to write subsets in netcdf files.

datasets_subsets = load_subsets(matching_datasets, variables, lon_range, lat_range, output_dir)
Load intersection with selected area in dataset indices (57884, 61378)
File downloads/ created.

Load intersection with selected area in dataset indices (21558, 25047)
File downloads/ created.

Load intersection with selected area in dataset indices (57876, 61297)
File downloads/ created.

Load intersection with selected area in dataset indices (57882, 61376)
File downloads/ created.

Load intersection with selected area in dataset indices (21557, 25046)
File downloads/ created.

Load intersection with selected area in dataset indices (57882, 61303)
File downloads/ created.

Basic manipulations

Concatenate subsets

ds = xr.concat(datasets_subsets, dim='num_lines') ds

Visualize data on a pass

Open a pass dataset

subset_file = "downloads/"
ds_left = xr.open_dataset(subset_file, group="left")
ds_right = xr.open_dataset(subset_file, group="right")

Interpolate coordinates to fill Nan values in latitude and longitude, and assign them as coordinates.

ds_left = normalize_coordinates(ds_left)
ds_right = normalize_coordinates(ds_right)

Plot Sigma 0

Mask invalid data

for dss in ds_left, ds_right:
    dss["sig0_karin_2"] = dss.sig0_karin_2.where(dss.ancillary_surface_classification_flag==0)
    dss["sig0_karin_2"] = dss.sig0_karin_2.where(dss.sig0_karin_2 < 1e6)
    #dss["sig0_karin_2_log"] = 10*np.log10(dss["sig0_karin_2"])

Plot data

plot_kwargs = dict(

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 12), subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()))
ds_left.sig0_karin_2.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax, cbar_kwargs={"shrink": 0.3}, **plot_kwargs)
ds_right.sig0_karin_2.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax, add_colorbar=False, **plot_kwargs)

ax.set_extent([-127, -121, 35, 40], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())


Mask invalid data

for dss in ds_left, ds_right:
    dss["ssh_karin_2"] = dss.ssh_karin_2.where(dss.ancillary_surface_classification_flag==0)
    dss["ssh_karin_2"] = dss.ssh_karin_2.where(dss.ssh_karin_2_qual==0)

Plot data

plot_kwargs = dict(

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 12), subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()))
ds_left.ssh_karin_2.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax, cbar_kwargs={"shrink": 0.3}, **plot_kwargs)
ds_right.ssh_karin_2.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax, add_colorbar=False, **plot_kwargs)

ax.set_extent([-127, -121, 35, 40], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())