Download and convert to Zarr

This downloads SWOT Pixel Cloud products from (API-Key necessary) based on a region and a period of interest. Then is extracts information contained in the area of interest for your study, stores everything in a Zarr Database (based on the zcollection package) for future use. Zarr (and the way we partitionned data with zcollection) is very efficient for computation. However, it is not (yet) compatible with QGIS compared to Geopackage.

Setting the region and period of interest

Using a geopackage layer, preliminary created with, e.g. QGIS, to limit data download and database

from pixcdust.downloaders.hydroweb_next import PixCDownloader
import geopandas as gpd
from datetime import datetime
/home/hysope2/SRC/preprocess_swot_pixc/pixcdust/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
# reading the area of interest polygon (could have been set)
gdf_geom = gpd.read_file('/home/hysope2/STUDIES/SWOT_Panama/DATA/aoi.gpkg')

dates = (


This will unfortunately lead to downloading many big files (that will be removed later). This is the only way right now, but the team is working on improving that.

pixcdownloader = PixCDownloader(


Now we have all necessary files, let us extract key variables within area of interest in a Zarr (zcollection) database. This Zarr partionned format is very efficient for time analysis, but is not currently accessible in GIS softwares such as QGIS We are using the same geodataframe to limit the data to the area of interest

from pixcdust.converters.zarr import PixCNc2ZarrConverter
from glob import glob
pixc = PixCNc2ZarrConverter(
            variables=['height', 'sig0', 'classification'],
/home/hysope2/SRC/preprocess_swot_pixc/pixcdust/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Sending large graph of size 611.84 MiB.
This may cause some slowdown.
Consider scattering data ahead of time and using futures.

database has been succesfully created, we can remove the raw files

# import shutil
# shutil.rmtree('/tmp/pixc')

Read the database

previous steps are not necessary

Now we can open this database in a xarray, or dataframe, or GeoDataFrame

from pixcdust.readers.zarr import PixCZarrReader
import datetime

pixc_read = PixCZarrReader(
),4,10), datetime.datetime(2023,4,12)))
  Dimensions: ('points: 18871671',)
Data variables:
    tile_number    (points)  uint16: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    classification (points)  float32: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    longitude      (points)  float32: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    geoid          (points)  float32: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    height         (points)  float32: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    sig0           (points)  float32: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    pass_number    (points)  uint16: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    time           (points)  datetime64[ns]: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    cycle_number   (points)  uint16: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    latitude       (points)  float64: dask.array<chunksize=(2097152,)>
    azimuth_offset            : 8
    description               : 'cloud of geolocated interferogram pixels'
    interferogram_size_azimuth: 2190
    interferogram_size_range  : 5075
    looks_to_efflooks         : 1.5377120501155137
    num_azimuth_looks         : 7.0
gdf_pixc = pixc_read.to_geodataframe()
tile_number classification longitude geoid height sig0 pass_number time cycle_number latitude geometry
0 170 1.0 -79.104660 13.444022 20.446413 NaN 9 2023-04-10 03:26:32 486 8.762601 POINT (-79.10466 8.76260)
1 170 1.0 -79.107796 13.425582 19.637384 NaN 9 2023-04-10 03:26:32 486 8.763069 POINT (-79.10780 8.76307)
2 170 1.0 -79.102852 13.454618 19.055544 NaN 9 2023-04-10 03:26:32 486 8.762330 POINT (-79.10285 8.76233)
3 170 1.0 -79.108620 13.420682 18.149841 NaN 9 2023-04-10 03:26:32 486 8.763193 POINT (-79.10862 8.76319)
4 170 1.0 -79.108315 13.422508 17.395298 NaN 9 2023-04-10 03:26:32 486 8.763147 POINT (-79.10831 8.76315)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18871666 171 7.0 -79.561188 5.001038 2.826578 11.713768 9 2023-04-11 03:17:16 487 9.760922 POINT (-79.56119 9.76092)
18871667 171 7.0 -79.561272 5.000404 2.826173 14.126613 9 2023-04-11 03:17:16 487 9.760934 POINT (-79.56127 9.76093)
18871668 171 4.0 -79.561638 4.997420 5.619805 19.553595 9 2023-04-11 03:17:16 487 9.760988 POINT (-79.56164 9.76099)
18871669 171 4.0 -79.561813 4.995993 6.564185 21.987041 9 2023-04-11 03:17:16 487 9.761015 POINT (-79.56181 9.76101)
18871670 171 7.0 -79.561882 4.995450 6.457133 18.216505 9 2023-04-11 03:17:16 487 9.761025 POINT (-79.56188 9.76102)

18871671 rows × 11 columns
