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SWOT Hydrology Dataset Exploration in the Cloud
Accessing and Visualizing SWOT Datasets
This tutorial can only be run in an AWS cloud instance running in us-west-2: NASA Earthdata Cloud data in S3 can be directly accessed via earthaccess
python library; this access is limited to requests made within the US West (Oregon) (code: us-west-2
) AWS region.
Learning Objectives:
Access SWOT HR data prodcuts (archived in NASA Earthdata Cloud) within the AWS cloud, without downloading to local machine
Visualize accessed data for a quick check
SWOT Level 2 KaRIn High Rate Version 2.0 Datasets:
River Vector Shapefile - SWOT_L2_HR_RIVERSP_2.0
Lake Vector Shapefile - SWOT_L2_HR_LAKESP_2.0
Water Mask Pixel Cloud NetCDF - SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_2.0
Water Mask Pixel Cloud Vector Attribute NetCDF - SWOT_L2_HR_PIXCVec_2.0
Raster NetCDF - SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_2.0
Single Look Complex Data product - SWOT_L1B_HR_SLC_2.0
Notebook Author: Cassie Nickles, NASA PO.DAAC (Feb 2024) || Other Contributors: Zoe Walschots (PO.DAAC Summer Intern 2023), Catalina Taglialatela (NASA PO.DAAC), Luis Lopez (NASA NSIDC DAAC)
Last updated: 7 Feb 2024
Libraries Needed
import s3fs
import fiona
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hvplot.xarray
import earthaccess
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) #make sure all columns displayed for shapefiles
Earthdata Login
An Earthdata Login account is required to access data, as well as discover restricted data, from the NASA Earthdata system. Thus, to access NASA data, you need Earthdata Login. If you don’t already have one, please visit to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create and only takes a moment to set up. We use earthaccess
to authenticate your login credentials below.
auth = earthaccess.login()
Single File Access
1. River Vector Shapefiles
The s3 access link can be found using earthaccess
data search. Since this collection consists of Reach and Node files, we need to extract only the granule for the Reach file. We do this by filtering for the ‘Reach’ title in the data link.
Alternatively, Earthdata Search (see tutorial) can be used to search in a map graphic user interface.
For additional tips on spatial searching of SWOT HR L2 data, see also PO.DAAC Cookbook - SWOT Chapter tips section.
Search for the data of interest
#Retrieves granule from the day we want, in this case by passing to `earthdata.search_data` function the data collection shortname, temporal bounds, and filter by wildcards
river_results = earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_RIVERSP_2.0',
#temporal = ('2024-02-01 00:00:00', '2024-02-29 23:59:59'), # can also specify by time
granule_name = '*Reach*_009_NA*') # here we filter by Reach files (not node), pass=009, continent code=NA
Granules found: 7
Set up an s3fs
session for Direct Cloud Access
sessions are used for authenticated access to s3 bucket and allows for typical file-system style operations. Below we create session by passing in the data access information.
fs_s3 = earthaccess.get_s3fs_session(results=river_results)
Create Fiona session to work with zip and embedded shapefiles in the AWS Cloud
The native format for this data is a .zip file, and we want the .shp file within the .zip file, so we will create a Fiona AWS session using the credentials from setting up the s3fs session above to access the shapefiles within the zip files. If we don’t do this, the alternative would be to download the data to the cloud environment (e.g. EC2 instance, user S3 bucket) and extract the .zip file there.
# Get the link for the first zip file
river_link = earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(river_results[0], access='direct')[0]
# We use the zip+ prefix so fiona knows that we are operating on a zip file
river_shp_url = f"zip+{river_link}"
with fiona.Env(session=fiona_session):
SWOT_HR_shp1 = gpd.read_file(river_shp_url)
#view the attribute table
reach_id | time | time_tai | time_str | p_lat | p_lon | river_name | wse | wse_u | wse_r_u | wse_c | wse_c_u | slope | slope_u | slope_r_u | slope2 | slope2_u | slope2_r_u | width | width_u | width_c | width_c_u | area_total | area_tot_u | area_detct | area_det_u | area_wse | d_x_area | d_x_area_u | layovr_val | node_dist | loc_offset | xtrk_dist | dschg_c | dschg_c_u | dschg_csf | dschg_c_q | dschg_gc | dschg_gc_u | dschg_gcsf | dschg_gc_q | dschg_m | dschg_m_u | dschg_msf | dschg_m_q | dschg_gm | dschg_gm_u | dschg_gmsf | dschg_gm_q | dschg_b | dschg_b_u | dschg_bsf | dschg_b_q | dschg_gb | dschg_gb_u | dschg_gbsf | dschg_gb_q | dschg_h | dschg_h_u | dschg_hsf | dschg_h_q | dschg_gh | dschg_gh_u | dschg_ghsf | dschg_gh_q | dschg_o | dschg_o_u | dschg_osf | dschg_o_q | dschg_go | dschg_go_u | dschg_gosf | dschg_go_q | dschg_s | dschg_s_u | dschg_ssf | dschg_s_q | dschg_gs | dschg_gs_u | dschg_gssf | dschg_gs_q | dschg_i | dschg_i_u | dschg_isf | dschg_i_q | dschg_gi | dschg_gi_u | dschg_gisf | dschg_gi_q | dschg_q_b | dschg_gq_b | reach_q | reach_q_b | dark_frac | ice_clim_f | ice_dyn_f | partial_f | n_good_nod | obs_frac_n | xovr_cal_q | geoid_hght | geoid_slop | solid_tide | load_tidef | load_tideg | pole_tide | dry_trop_c | wet_trop_c | iono_c | xovr_cal_c | n_reach_up | n_reach_dn | rch_id_up | rch_id_dn | p_wse | p_wse_var | p_width | p_wid_var | p_n_nodes | p_dist_out | p_length | p_maf | p_dam_id | p_n_ch_max | p_n_ch_mod | p_low_slp | geometry | |
0 | 71224500951 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 48.517717 | -93.692086 | Rainy River | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 71224700961, no_data, no_data, no_data | 71224300941, no_data, no_data, no_data | 325.899994 | 0.044680 | 208.0 | 1480.031 | 53 | 244919.492 | 10586.381484 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-93.76076 48.51651, -93.76035 48.5... |
1 | 71224700013 | 7.540761e+08 | 7.540762e+08 | 2023-11-23T17:35:38Z | 48.777900 | -93.233350 | no_data | 3.364954e+02 | 9.003000e-02 | 2.290000e-03 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 3.272000e-01 | 8.486717e+02 | 2.871400e-01 | -4.807161e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 8389051 | 8389051 | 3 | 4194318 | 1.338000e-03 | 1 | -999 | 0 | 18 | 1.000000e+00 | 0 | -3.141705e+01 | -2.674060e-05 | -2.894793e-02 | -5.371819e-03 | -5.384998e-03 | 5.780308e-03 | -2.241292e+00 | -1.634102e-02 | -8.003274e-03 | 5.015258e-01 | 1 | 1 | 71224700021, no_data, no_data, no_data | 71224700276, no_data, no_data, no_data | 335.600006 | 0.000000 | 1288.0 | 1239358.412 | 18 | 3719.676 | 3514.736672 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-93.21387 48.78466, -93.21403 48.7... |
2 | 71224700021 | 7.540761e+08 | 7.540762e+08 | 2023-11-23T17:35:38Z | 48.772163 | -93.266891 | no_data | 3.365123e+02 | 9.199000e-02 | 1.902000e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 4.959662e-05 | 1.018542e-05 | 9.733590e-06 | 2.575548e-05 | -1.000000e+12 | 4.654752e-05 | 6.202024e+01 | 1.118013e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 9.836880e+04 | 1.773253e+03 | 9.836880e+04 | 1.773300e+03 | 9.836880e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.377000e-01 | 1.509669e+02 | -1.470277e+01 | -5.017144e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 8389049 | 8389049 | 1 | 2 | 0.000000e+00 | 1 | -999 | 0 | 6 | 7.500000e-01 | 0 | -3.135521e+01 | 2.512828e-05 | -2.886645e-02 | -5.377388e-03 | -5.390327e-03 | 5.783173e-03 | -2.241321e+00 | -1.657549e-02 | -8.003758e-03 | 5.314556e-01 | 2 | 1 | 71224700233, 71224700083, no_data, no_data | 71224700013, no_data, no_data, no_data | 335.600006 | 0.000000 | 30.0 | 76609.119 | 8 | 5305.752 | 1586.075688 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-93.25587 48.77340, -93.25628 48.7... |
3 | 71224700033 | 7.540761e+08 | 7.540762e+08 | 2023-11-23T17:35:38Z | 48.733727 | -93.116424 | no_data | 3.365715e+02 | 9.068000e-02 | 1.112000e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.505600e+00 | 3.730449e+02 | -1.512075e+02 | -3.862870e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 8389049 | 8389049 | 3 | 4194318 | 1.153940e-01 | 1 | -999 | 0 | 18 | 9.000000e-01 | 0 | -3.153422e+01 | -1.678670e-05 | -2.908536e-02 | -5.353698e-03 | -5.371641e-03 | 5.773116e-03 | -2.241031e+00 | -1.593641e-02 | -8.007598e-03 | 3.984029e-01 | 1 | 1 | 71224700286, no_data, no_data, no_data | 71224700041, no_data, no_data, no_data | 335.600006 | 0.000000 | 645.0 | 297730.945 | 20 | 306795.237 | 3904.961218 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-93.09779 48.73888, -93.09820 48.7... |
4 | 71224700041 | 7.540761e+08 | 7.540762e+08 | 2023-11-23T17:35:38Z | 48.720271 | -93.113458 | no_data | 3.364742e+02 | 9.085000e-02 | 1.238000e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -2.431140e-05 | 1.166051e-05 | 1.126799e-05 | -9.248820e-05 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.647480e-05 | 3.930469e+01 | 1.013951e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 4.728760e+04 | 1.219887e+03 | 4.728760e+04 | 1.219900e+03 | 4.728760e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 2.925000e-01 | 2.328550e+02 | -4.628440e+00 | -3.776046e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 25166265 | 25166265 | 1 | 6 | 0.000000e+00 | 1 | -999 | 0 | 5 | 8.333333e-01 | 0 | -3.152398e+01 | -3.509400e-06 | -2.906824e-02 | -5.351348e-03 | -5.371695e-03 | 5.773071e-03 | -2.240743e+00 | -1.600031e-02 | -8.009073e-03 | 3.901623e-01 | 1 | 1 | 71224700033, no_data, no_data, no_data | 71224700053, no_data, no_data, no_data | 335.600006 | 0.000000 | 645.0 | 0.000 | 6 | 302890.276 | 1203.102119 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-93.12101 48.72305, -93.12060 48.7... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
926 | 77125000241 | 7.540756e+08 | 7.540756e+08 | 2023-11-23T17:26:38Z | 17.960957 | -100.025397 | no_data | 3.560650e+02 | 1.501928e+02 | 1.501928e+02 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.139809e-03 | 8.453720e-04 | 8.453667e-04 | -1.968571e-04 | -1.000000e+12 | 6.002469e+03 | 6.442070e+01 | 1.454903e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 5.130950e+04 | 1.158794e+03 | 4.143390e+04 | 1.158800e+03 | 5.130950e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 3.217900e+00 | 6.496189e+01 | -6.441719e+03 | 6.087360e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 8389051 | 8389051 | 1 | 40966 | 1.924710e-01 | 0 | -999 | 1 | 4 | 5.714286e-02 | 0 | -8.767097e+00 | 2.520024e-05 | 1.047472e-01 | -2.491515e-03 | -1.416101e-03 | 3.766508e-03 | -2.225335e+00 | -2.844600e-01 | -1.248337e-02 | -3.609023e-01 | 1 | 1 | 77125000254, no_data, no_data, no_data | 77125000231, no_data, no_data, no_data | 358.600006 | 65.289837 | 96.0 | 864.151 | 70 | 464330.310 | 13953.442643 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-100.06409 17.97308, -100.06403 17... |
927 | 77125000254 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 17.949648 | -99.995193 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 77125000263, no_data, no_data, no_data | 77125000241, no_data, no_data, no_data | 423.700012 | 50.631649 | 162.0 | 21491.314 | 2 | 464735.375 | 405.065100 | -1.000000e+12 | 10286 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-99.99547 17.95148, -99.99564 17.9... |
928 | 77125000261 | 7.540756e+08 | 7.540756e+08 | 2023-11-23T17:26:47Z | 18.362207 | -100.696472 | no_data | 2.316304e+02 | 9.208000e-02 | 1.946000e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 9.017132e-04 | 5.351440e-06 | 4.431470e-06 | 8.374171e-04 | -1.000000e+12 | 3.976097e-05 | 3.544730e+02 | 2.232573e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 3.936467e+06 | 2.479300e+04 | 3.776529e+06 | 2.479300e+04 | 3.936467e+06 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.037250e+01 | 1.555118e+02 | -1.003980e+00 | -1.240390e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 8389049 | 8389049 | 1 | 14 | 4.063000e-02 | 0 | -999 | 0 | 56 | 1.000000e+00 | 0 | -1.111140e+01 | 1.232563e-05 | 1.055168e-01 | -1.683211e-03 | -6.265789e-04 | 3.857576e-03 | -2.255829e+00 | -3.061254e-01 | -1.237202e-02 | 1.378732e-01 | 2 | 1 | 77125000021, 77125000011, no_data, no_data | 77123000251, no_data, no_data, no_data | 232.000000 | 6.028838 | 195.0 | 3624.715 | 56 | 325106.825 | 11105.124379 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-100.68734 18.40208, -100.68723 18... |
929 | 77125000263 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 17.956269 | -99.961388 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 77125000273, no_data, no_data, no_data | 77125000254, no_data, no_data, no_data | 463.500000 | 5.120043 | 459.0 | 43956.311 | 49 | 474450.182 | 9714.807127 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-99.99398 17.94824, -99.99369 17.9... |
930 | 77125000273 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 17.952683 | -99.906755 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 77125000283, no_data, no_data, no_data | 77125000263, no_data, no_data, no_data | 463.500000 | 0.000000 | 819.0 | 283915.163 | 49 | 484179.822 | 9729.640027 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-99.93256 17.94746, -99.93273 17.9... |
931 rows × 127 columns
Quickly plot the SWOT river data
# Simple plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))
SWOT_HR_shp1.plot(ax=ax, color='black')
<Axes: >
# # Another way to plot geopandas dataframes is with `explore`, which also plots a basemap
# SWOT_HR_shp1.explore()
2. Lake Vector Shapefiles
The lake vector shapefiles can be accessed in the same way as the river shapefiles above.
For additional tips on spatial searching of SWOT HR L2 data, see also PO.DAAC Cookbook - SWOT Chapter tips section.
Search for data of interest
lake_results = earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_LAKESP_2.0',
#temporal = ('2024-02-01 00:00:00', '2024-02-29 23:59:59'), # can also specify by time
granule_name = '*Prior*_009_NA*') # here we filter by files with 'Prior' in the name (This collection has three options: Obs, Unassigned, and Prior), pass #8 and continent code=NA
Granules found: 3
Set up an s3fs
session for Direct Cloud Access
sessions are used for authenticated access to s3 bucket and allows for typical file-system style operations. Below we create session by passing in the data access information.
fs_s3 = earthaccess.get_s3fs_session(results=lake_results)
Create Fiona session to work with zip and embedded shapefiles in the AWS Cloud
The native format for this data is a .zip file, and we want the .shp file within the .zip file, so we will create a Fiona AWS session using the credentials from setting up the s3fs session above to access the shapefiles within the zip files. If we don’t do this, the alternative would be to download the data to the cloud environment (e.g. EC2 instance, user S3 bucket) and extract the .zip file there.
# Get the link for the first zip file
lake_link = earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(lake_results[0], access='direct')[0]
# We use the zip+ prefix so fiona knows that we are operating on a zip file
lake_shp_url = f"zip+{lake_link}"
with fiona.Env(session=fiona_session):
SWOT_HR_shp2 = gpd.read_file(lake_shp_url)
#view the attribute table
lake_id | reach_id | obs_id | overlap | n_overlap | time | time_tai | time_str | wse | wse_u | wse_r_u | wse_std | area_total | area_tot_u | area_detct | area_det_u | layovr_val | xtrk_dist | ds1_l | ds1_l_u | ds1_q | ds1_q_u | ds2_l | ds2_l_u | ds2_q | ds2_q_u | quality_f | dark_frac | ice_clim_f | ice_dyn_f | partial_f | xovr_cal_q | geoid_hght | solid_tide | load_tidef | load_tideg | pole_tide | dry_trop_c | wet_trop_c | iono_c | xovr_cal_c | lake_name | p_res_id | p_lon | p_lat | p_ref_wse | p_ref_area | p_date_t0 | p_ds_t0 | p_storage | geometry | |
0 | 7120818392 | no_data | 712238L999960 | 100 | 1 | 7.558788e+08 | 7.558788e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:20:39Z | 4.221900e+02 | 3.900000e-02 | 3.100000e-02 | 1.750000e-01 | 1.133420e-01 | 2.746000e-03 | 1.123950e-01 | 2.746000e-03 | 2.450000e-01 | -2.700895e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 8.362160e-01 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -2.960103e+01 | -1.076270e-01 | -1.385000e-02 | -1.446900e-02 | 6.530000e-03 | -2.219912e+00 | -4.322200e-02 | -2.460000e-03 | -8.323030e-01 | no_data | -99999999 | -93.370529 | 47.725706 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.067500 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-93.37004 47.72747, -93.36976 ... |
1 | 7120818432 | no_data | no_data | no_data | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | -999 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | SOUTH STURGEON LAKE | -99999999 | -93.063382 | 47.636276 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.734400 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | None |
2 | 7120818512 | no_data | 712239L999974 | 91 | 1 | 7.558788e+08 | 7.558788e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:20:39Z | 4.035210e+02 | 3.800000e-02 | 2.900000e-02 | 3.670000e-01 | 4.746580e-01 | 6.040000e-03 | 3.230260e-01 | 6.040000e-03 | 1.100000e-01 | -4.768885e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -2.928009e+01 | -1.069980e-01 | -1.387600e-02 | -1.449100e-02 | 6.541000e-03 | -2.224427e+00 | -4.345700e-02 | -2.448000e-03 | -1.489370e+00 | CONNORS LAKE | -99999999 | -93.634992 | 47.777938 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.419400 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-93.64085 47.77833, -93.64070 ... |
3 | 7120818532 | no_data | 712238L999960 | 100 | 1 | 7.558788e+08 | 7.558788e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:20:39Z | 4.214720e+02 | 9.700000e-02 | 5.700000e-02 | 3.140000e-01 | 5.936400e-02 | 2.015000e-03 | 5.936400e-02 | 2.015000e-03 | 1.100000e-02 | -2.658368e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 0.000000e+00 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -2.961158e+01 | -1.076620e-01 | -1.385000e-02 | -1.446900e-02 | 6.530000e-03 | -2.220099e+00 | -4.328800e-02 | -2.460000e-03 | -8.189060e-01 | no_data | -99999999 | -93.367313 | 47.718575 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.018900 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | POLYGON ((-93.36683 47.72159, -93.36655 47.721... |
4 | 7120818542 | no_data | no_data | no_data | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | -999 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | -99999999 | -93.042420 | 47.711142 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.031500 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | None |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
56491 | 7131519532 | no_data | 713254R999944;713255R000006 | 45;42 | 2 | 7.558790e+08 | 7.558790e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:23:19Z | 1.283300e+01 | 7.500000e-02 | 5.700000e-02 | 1.700000e-01 | 7.491100e-02 | 1.923000e-03 | 7.437200e-02 | 1.923000e-03 | 1.000000e-03 | 2.384581e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -4.790753e+01 | -7.896700e-02 | -4.073000e-03 | -2.923000e-03 | 5.666000e-03 | -2.268012e+00 | -1.023750e-01 | -2.140000e-03 | 7.063360e-01 | no_data | -99999999 | -88.000840 | 56.331699 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.056700 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.99912 56.33127, -87.99922 ... |
56492 | 7131519632 | no_data | 713254R999943;713255R000008 | 48;20 | 2 | 7.558790e+08 | 7.558790e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:23:19Z | 1.074100e+01 | 1.570000e-01 | 1.460000e-01 | 1.420000e-01 | 3.342300e-02 | 1.435000e-03 | 3.152200e-02 | 1.435000e-03 | 5.000000e-03 | 2.730958e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -4.786691e+01 | -7.908800e-02 | -3.548000e-03 | -2.638000e-03 | 5.728000e-03 | -2.268497e+00 | -1.023450e-01 | -2.141000e-03 | 8.137400e-01 | no_data | -99999999 | -87.948521 | 56.320464 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.025200 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.94670 56.32014, -87.94649 ... |
56493 | 7131519662 | no_data | 713255R000009;713254R999940 | 42;33 | 2 | 7.558790e+08 | 7.558790e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:23:19Z | 9.208000e+00 | 1.030000e-01 | 1.260000e-01 | 1.410000e-01 | 2.864300e-02 | 1.112000e-03 | 2.729100e-02 | 1.112000e-03 | 3.400000e-02 | 2.882420e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -4.784918e+01 | -7.914000e-02 | -3.278000e-03 | -2.509000e-03 | 6.730000e-03 | -2.268922e+00 | -1.023670e-01 | -2.142000e-03 | 8.608050e-01 | no_data | -99999999 | -87.925618 | 56.315773 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.021600 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.92352 56.31520, -87.92363 ... |
56494 | 7131560212 | no_data | 713245R000001;713245R999966;713245R999958;7132... | 70;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 | 11 | 7.558789e+08 | 7.558789e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:21:43Z | 3.717920e+02 | 1.000000e-03 | 1.000000e-03 | 3.720000e-01 | 3.853027e+02 | 3.084073e+00 | 3.231617e+02 | 3.084073e+00 | 7.000000e-03 | 4.695466e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 1 | 0 | -3.585787e+01 | -9.732200e-02 | -1.303500e-02 | -1.356500e-02 | 6.288000e-03 | -2.208235e+00 | -5.674900e-02 | -2.306000e-03 | 1.424744e+00 | CAT RIVER (EAST CHANNEL);LAKE ST JOSEPH;ST JOS... | -99999999 | -90.745713 | 51.058944 | -1.000000e+12 | 526.421232 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-91.39550 50.91117, -91.39555 ... |
56495 | 7420501022 | no_data | 742233R999968;742233R000007;742233R000003 | 57;8;4 | 3 | 7.558788e+08 | 7.558788e+08 | 2023-12-14T14:19:39Z | 3.105560e+02 | 9.900000e-02 | 7.300000e-02 | 6.540000e-01 | 3.935470e-01 | 2.443000e-03 | 1.602010e-01 | 2.443000e-03 | 1.100000e-02 | 5.434642e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 0 | 0 | -2.887526e+01 | -1.217310e-01 | -1.435000e-02 | -1.513400e-02 | 6.583000e-03 | -2.268862e+00 | -5.500000e-02 | -2.866000e-03 | 1.664425e+00 | LAKE TUSTIN | -99999999 | -93.665611 | 44.206288 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.546300 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-93.66006 44.20938, -93.66012 ... |
56496 rows × 51 columns
Quickly plot the SWOT lakes data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))
SWOT_HR_shp2.plot(ax=ax, color='black')
<Axes: >
Accessing the remaining files is different than the shp files above. We do not need to read the shapefiles within a zip file using something like Fiona session (or to download and unzip in the cloud) because the following SWOT HR collections are stored in netCDF files in the cloud. For the rest of the products, we will open via xarray
, not geopandas
3. Water Mask Pixel Cloud NetCDF
Search for data collection and time of interest
For additional tips on spatial searching of SWOT HR L2 data, see also PO.DAAC Cookbook - SWOT Chapter tips section.
pixc_results = earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_2.0',
#granule_name = '*_009_*', # pass number 9 if we want to filter further
#temporal = ('2024-02-01 00:00:00', '2024-02-29 23:59:59'), # can also specify by time
bounding_box = (-106.62, 38.809, -106.54, 38.859)) # Lake Travis near Austin, TX
Granules found: 39
Open data using xarray
The pixel cloud netCDF files are formatted with three groups titled, “pixel cloud”, “tvp”, or “noise” (more detail here). In order to access the coordinates and variables within the file, a group must be specified when calling xarray open_dataset.
ds_PIXC = xr.open_mfdataset([pixc_results[0]]), group = 'pixel_cloud', engine='h5netcdf')
Opening 1 granules, approx size: 0.22 GB
using endpoint:
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (points: 2357958, complex_depth: 2, num_pixc_lines: 3278) Coordinates: latitude (points) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(471592,), meta=np.ndarray> longitude (points) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(471592,), meta=np.ndarray> Dimensions without coordinates: points, complex_depth, num_pixc_lines Data variables: (12/61) azimuth_index (points) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(785986,), meta=np.ndarray> range_index (points) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(785986,), meta=np.ndarray> interferogram (points, complex_depth) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(785986, 1), meta=np.ndarray> power_plus_y (points) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(785986,), meta=np.ndarray> power_minus_y (points) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(785986,), meta=np.ndarray> coherent_power (points) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(785986,), meta=np.ndarray> ... ... pixc_line_qual (num_pixc_lines) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(3278,), meta=np.ndarray> pixc_line_to_tvp (num_pixc_lines) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(3278,), meta=np.ndarray> data_window_first_valid (num_pixc_lines) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(3278,), meta=np.ndarray> data_window_last_valid (num_pixc_lines) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(3278,), meta=np.ndarray> data_window_first_cross_track (num_pixc_lines) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(3278,), meta=np.ndarray> data_window_last_cross_track (num_pixc_lines) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(3278,), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: description: cloud of geolocated interferogram pixels interferogram_size_azimuth: 3278 interferogram_size_range: 5623 looks_to_efflooks: 1.5509709858820855 num_azimuth_looks: 7.0 azimuth_offset: 7
Simple plot of the results
# This could take a few minutes to plot
plt.scatter(x=ds_PIXC.longitude, y=ds_PIXC.latitude, c=ds_PIXC.height)
plt.colorbar().set_label('Height (m)')
4. Water Mask Pixel Cloud Vector Attribute NetCDF
Search for data of interest
pixcvec_results = earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_PIXCVEC_2.0',
#granule_name = '*_009_*', # pass number 9 if we want to filter further
#temporal = ('2024-02-01 00:00:00', '2024-02-29 23:59:59'), # can also specify by time
bounding_box = (-106.62, 38.809, -106.54, 38.859)) # Lake Travis near Austin, TX
Granules found: 26
Open data using xarray
ds_PIXCVEC = xr.open_mfdataset([pixcvec_results[0]]), decode_cf=False, engine='h5netcdf')
Opening 1 granules, approx size: 0.21 GB
using endpoint:
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (points: 2831150, nchar_reach_id: 11, nchar_node_id: 14, nchar_lake_id: 10, nchar_obs_id: 13) Dimensions without coordinates: points, nchar_reach_id, nchar_node_id, nchar_lake_id, nchar_obs_id Data variables: azimuth_index (points) int32 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> range_index (points) int32 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> latitude_vectorproc (points) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> longitude_vectorproc (points) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> height_vectorproc (points) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> reach_id (points, nchar_reach_id) |S1 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150, 11), meta=np.ndarray> node_id (points, nchar_node_id) |S1 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150, 14), meta=np.ndarray> lake_id (points, nchar_lake_id) |S1 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150, 10), meta=np.ndarray> obs_id (points, nchar_obs_id) |S1 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150, 13), meta=np.ndarray> ice_clim_f (points) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> ice_dyn_f (points) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(2831150,), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: (12/45) Conventions: CF-1.7 title: Level 2 KaRIn high rate pixel cloud vect... short_name: L2_HR_PIXCVec institution: CNES source: Level 1B KaRIn High Rate Single Look Com... history: 2023-12-03T05:59:43.712142Z: Creation ... ... xref_prior_river_db_file: xref_prior_lake_db_file: SWOT_LakeDatabase_Nom_106_20000101T00000... xref_reforbittrack_files: SWOT_RefOrbitTrackTileBoundary_Nom_20000... xref_param_l2_hr_laketile_file: SWOT_Param_L2_HR_LakeTile_20000101T00000... ellipsoid_semi_major_axis: 6378137.0 ellipsoid_flattening: 0.0033528106647474805
Simple plot
pixcvec_htvals = ds_PIXCVEC.height_vectorproc.compute()
pixcvec_latvals = ds_PIXCVEC.latitude_vectorproc.compute()
pixcvec_lonvals = ds_PIXCVEC.longitude_vectorproc.compute()
#Before plotting, we set all fill values to nan so that the graph shows up better spatially
pixcvec_htvals[pixcvec_htvals > 15000] = np.nan
pixcvec_latvals[pixcvec_latvals < 1] = np.nan
pixcvec_lonvals[pixcvec_lonvals > -1] = np.nan
plt.scatter(x=pixcvec_lonvals, y=pixcvec_latvals, c=pixcvec_htvals)
plt.colorbar().set_label('Height (m)')
5. Raster NetCDF
Search for data of interest
For additional tips on spatial searching of SWOT HR L2 data, see also PO.DAAC Cookbook - SWOT Chapter tips section.
raster_results = earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_2.0',
#temporal = ('2024-02-01 00:00:00', '2024-02-29 23:59:59'), # can also specify by time
granule_name = '*100m*', # here we filter by files with '100m' in the name (This collection has two resolution options: 100m & 250m)
bounding_box = (-106.62, 38.809, -106.54, 38.859)) # Lake Travis near Austin, TX
Granules found: 44
Open data with xarray
ds_raster = xr.open_mfdataset([raster_results[0]]), engine='h5netcdf')
Opening 1 granules, approx size: 0.04 GB
using endpoint:
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (x: 1520, y: 1519) Coordinates: * x (x) float64 2.969e+05 2.97e+05 ... 4.488e+05 * y (y) float64 4.274e+06 4.274e+06 ... 4.426e+06 Data variables: (12/39) crs object ... longitude (y, x) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(507, 507), meta=np.ndarray> latitude (y, x) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(507, 507), meta=np.ndarray> wse (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> wse_qual (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1519, 1520), meta=np.ndarray> wse_qual_bitwise (y, x) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> ... ... load_tide_fes (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> load_tide_got (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> pole_tide (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> model_dry_tropo_cor (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> model_wet_tropo_cor (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> iono_cor_gim_ka (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(760, 760), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: (12/49) Conventions: CF-1.7 title: Level 2 KaRIn High Rate Raster Data Product source: Ka-band radar interferometer history: 2023-12-03T08:26:57Z : Creation platform: SWOT references: V1.1.1 ... ... x_min: 296900.0 x_max: 448800.0 y_min: 4274000.0 y_max: 4425800.0 institution: CNES product_version: 04
Quick interactive plot with hvplot
ds_raster.wse.hvplot.image(y='y', x='x')